Convergence, Globalization, Postmodernity and Simulation


    Our lives are affected by the influence of mass media, which provides various information for people all around the world on a daily basis. This fact is no surprise as we live in postmodernity, the epoch which began in the 1960s and is characterized by phenomenons such as convergence, globalization, and simulation. Convergence refers to the merging of once separate media into a single platform which enables us to receive or share information in an easier and faster way. The term globalization reflects the worldwide exchange of political, social, and economic ideas and processes without any limitations or boundaries. Finally, one of the most important concepts of the modern world is simulation which denotes the unrealistic, perfect image of our society that is shown to us by the mass media and which should be considered as dangerous as it puts way to much pressure on individuals who want to live up to these fake standards.


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