Critical Media Studies ("Introducing Critical Media Studies")
Understanding Key Terms
In this chapter convergence represents the unity of the media and everything media-wise before this era we live in. I think of it as a logical product of what people invented before. Today this is the only thing a generation knows of and a big part of our lives. The way it's described in this chapter gives me the impression that somehow every mass medium eventually merges to the point where they become one medium, all because of new technologies. It is, apparently, a necessary, although useful, development for human kind and a word (in media language) to describe the need to grow and expand communication system.
Where there's media, there will be globalization, of course. It is the exchange of ideas and includes different forms of digital media. Since the convergence of media means also merging of cultural, social, political and economic aspects, we cannot runaway from the lust for globalization. The chapter focuses on how these aspects, for example, from the West influence someone far away, just by using social media. In my opinion, globalization refers more to lowering of everything unique that's left, when it comes to the cultural aspect, while creating one blended culture for the sake of long-term economic prosperity together with technology.
From what I read in the chapter, I would say that postmodernity is related to the critical opinion towards what was before us, in this case - media from before in comparison to today's convergence of it. Judging by the name, it definitely involves changes and growth and surprisingly, doesn't have anything to do with the historical epoch.
This would be a pure representation of an imaginary "world" where everything is perfect and exactly the way we want it (so why stop reading/watching/scrolling?!). The chapter clearly says, just like it's already visible, that it stands for something realer-than-real. I consider it a media tool for shaping opinions, forcing specific things and keeping the addictive part of the media world at a very high level.
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