Homework - WK 4
1. Form, as Burke sees it, is a need to fulfill desires and the satisfaction of sequence. In laymen's terms its the creation and satisfaction of desire through sequence and the need to know what comes next. There are multiple types of form and they are as follows:
a) Progressive - Step by step storytelling
b) Repetitive - Repetition of certain behaviors
c) Conventional - Classifying through shared conventions.
d) Incidental form - Known and used literary devices.
2. Genre - The stylistic characteristics of a given media - Comedy, horror, action...
3. Rhetoric - In short, the art of persuasion, the use of symbols to influence others, their thoughts and actions.
4. Doxa - It is the norm, what is widely accepted, the unquestioned truth.
5. Interpellation - The process of unconsciously being indoctrinated into an ideology.
6. Othering - Marginalizing smaller groups or minorities in contrast to the majority.
7. American Dream - The notion of hard work equals success, the harder you work the more successful you will be.
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