Understanding key terms 3
Media messages always convey certain meanings, and those meanings are never neutral or objective. TV shows, movies, songs, video games all invite us to adopt certain values and beliefs, because all media products are rhetorical. Rhetoric can be defined as the use of symbols by humans to influence and move other humans.
When we for example read something, and we have a desire to continue reading because we are lured by the text to conitunue, it is because of the form. As Burke explains, form is an arousing and fullfilment of desires. Form can be progressive, repetitive, conventional and minor form.
Basically, we all know what a genre is. By definition, a genre is a class or constellation of messages that share discernible stylistic or formal (syntactic), substantive (semantic), and situational (pragmatic) characteristics. That's why we classify similiar works under the same genre, for example if a certain work is a sad story about a couple its' genre probably will be romance/drama.
Affect describes an intensity registered by the body, such as tingling of the skin while watching a horror movie.
Ideology influences all of us and our views of the world. This quality of ideology is central to the concept of interpellation; ideology is so infused into the social structure that it actually serves as the force to interpellate us. On the other hand, doxa represents knowledge that is beyond question, that is socially conventional. Everytime we use the term "common sense" it's actually doxa. Doxa supports certain ideologies over others by making them seem natural or simply “the way things are".
American dream is the idea that a person's level of success is directly related to the amount of effort they put in their work. It sounds to me like a tool to make the compliant and productive workers out of people.
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