In the acclaimed movie, derived from the comic book, "Deadpool", we have a showing of an atypical superhero. One who instead of being the picture perfect, Clarke Kentish figure, always on the lookout for bad guys, is much more humane. Deadpool, being tricked by an evil entity, is turned into a type of monster, he cannot die, and can regenerate quickly from any hurt. He is epitome of the everyman. He is quick witted, sharp tongued and not afraid to say his peace. This is the allure of him. He is not some out of reach figure that we can desperately hope to become but never will. He is very much in reach. We all have a little bit of Deadpool inside us, at least when nobody is watching. This type of hero offers nuance and a greater compassion from the audience, which in turn, as shown, results in more views. By the recent success of the Deadpool movie saga, a new door has been opened to Hollywood, that of making more human heroes, ones who are more realistic.
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