Week 4 HW

 Othering refers to the notion that the white race is the norm, the default race which need not be specified, and other races are non-white. The prefix asian or black placed in front of occupations like actor or comedian is an example of this, whereas one would never put white in front  to specify "whiteness"

The American Dream is the idea in popular culture that if you try hard enough, you can fullfil your dreams. And this is possible in the land of hopes and dreams, the USA.
Doxa means the type of knowledge which is a given, common sense. This, of course, is culturally contexted. Something that is a given in one culture is not customary in an other.
A genre is a class of messages that share same stylistic characteristics. In a way genres represent predictable responses to certain situations, which are similar within a genre.
Form is defined as an arousing fullfilment of expectations in texts or any message. There is a desire created by a text, which is supposed to be satisfied, or else it is "bad form". When we watch a romantic comedy we expect romance. When we read a murder mystery, we expect to find out who the killer is.
Rhetoric in the context of media studies is the use of symbols in texts to simply create an opinion or belief of any kind in the audience. This implies that no text is objective and unsuasive, and that in every text there is rhetoric.


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